Adaptability is the ability to adjust your approach or actions in response to changes in your external environment – a valuable skill. It is necessary for planning because you need to plan for the unexpected. Change is inevitable in life.
Strategic adaptability is a planned ability to react effectively when things go south or other factors such as environmental factors change unexpectedly. In planning something, you have to include flexibility in response to the unexpected.
Adaptability is the ability to live in the present, freely and willingly able to respond to the demands and changes of the moment. In this modern era, adaptability has become the watchword for doing business or life, in general. What this means is that as an individual, you must be willing to adapt in order to strive forward.
When making plans, adaptability is necessary. Adaptable people aren’t scared of change, as they will first make necessary plans to handle it. It expands your capacity to handle change, no matter how serious it might be. Be ahead of the game, be adaptable.