The Natural Law of BELIEF
Can you believe it?
At first glance, this looks like a Natural Law just for the sales folks in the room. However, as we’ve said many times before, every single day in some way each of us is in the business of selling. Whether it be an idea, an event, a thought, a new plan, a person, a product, you name it…we are all in sales.
We are all in the business of “sales”.
The Natural Law of Belief states that you can’t sell someone on something that you aren’t first sold on yourself. It reminds us that the most efficient route to take when pitching anything – whether it be a dinner location to your signifcant other, a new marketing strategy to your team, or a new member to your organization – is the route of SELF-BELIEF.
Your first pitch should always be to yourself.
You are the first stop on your pitch train – if you can’t make that “sale” then it’s time to re-evaluate what you are “selling” in the first place. Are you really sold on what you want someone else to agree to? If so, you’ll find more authenticity in your “pitch” and get more of what you want from others because of it. Your degree of belief in what you want someone else to believe in could be the difference in getting the result you want.
If you don’t believe it, you won’t achieve it.
When you find yourself “pitching” someone on an idea, thought, person, etc., ask yourself first “Do I believe in what I am “selling”? If the answer is “no”, rethink whether or not you should be selling it to someone else or not. Chances are when you sell what you believe in, you’ll get the results you want. Use the Natural Law of Belief not just to guide your week but to guide your life. As always, shoot me an email at to share your stories using the Natural Law of 5 to 1. For more information on Natural Laws, visit