

Categories: blog

May 7, 2020

THE VALUE OF 7-DAY PLANNING   Planning your life one week at a time is not only the most effective way to get everything you need done, but it is the best way to make sure you are living a fulfilled life. The LP is the most powerful way to plan if you want to get […]

How to Thrive Through COVID-19 Shutdown

Categories: blog

March 23, 2020

How to Thrive Through COVID-19 Shutdown Society has stopped but life’s not waiting. This is an unprecedented time in history. It seems as if society has come to a screeching halt in a way that no one could have predicted or prepared for. With how dependent we’ve become with our “social” interaction, we can easily […]

Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success

Categories: blog

April 15, 2018

THIS IS OUR FAVORITE BOOK. “…Anyone who adopts a definiteness of purpose as a policy and uses it in all of his daily experiences can not be induced to form the habit of drifting.” Clear purpose drives you. Without it, you risk falling off track long term. ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Honestly, we always keep 10 copies […]

Book of the Week – Predictably Irrational

Categories: blog Life Pulse Blog

April 7, 2018

One of our favorite concepts from Dan Ariely in Predictably Irrational: the BEST way to create self control and eliminate procrastination is pre-commitment. It’s the ultimate decision making tool – say you’re going to do it beforehand – so when the time comes and you have a decision to make as to whether or not […]

The Natural Law of 3’s

Categories: Life Pulse Blog

April 1, 2018

Natural Law of 3’S Third time’s a charm… I am privileged to get to talk to hundreds of parents of high school and collge students every year. My goal is to get those parents to send their student to our youth success program, Eagle University.  In talking with the parents if they seem hesitant about […]

The Natural Law of Belief

Categories: blog

March 24, 2018

The Natural Law of BELIEF  Can you believe it? At first glance, this looks like a Natural Law just for the sales folks in the room.  However, as we’ve said many times before, every single day in some way each of us is in the business of selling.  Whether it be an idea, an event, […]

The Natural Law of Compensation

Categories: Life Pulse Blog

March 18, 2018

The Natural Law of COMPENSATION Do good, get results. Of course, I have “favorite” Natural Laws.  This happens to be one of those because of the results I have seen from using it in my own life.  This law reminds us that in nature what we do comes back to serve us in some way later […]

The Natural Law of 5 to 1

Categories: Life Pulse Blog

March 11, 2018

The Natural Law of 5 to 1  Turn that frown upside down! Do you know how many negative emotions you have in each encounter with every person you come in contact with? I’m not going to lie to you, I don’t keep track of this.  Probably 95% of the time I forget to examine the […]

The Natural Law of Motivation

Categories: Life Pulse Blog

March 4, 2018

Natural Law of Motivation Everyone’s got their own… I remember watching my husband, Matt, compete in his first IronMan competition two years ago. Not even 10 months before that, I was begging, Matt, my fiancé at the time to love fitness like I do so we could do it together. Fitness is my thing, but it definitely […]

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