Weekly Wisdoms

Original videos by Life Pulse


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Growth refers to consistently growing and an increase in value. Properly constrain growth, on the other hand, is you have to follow a particular course of action. These actions were designed for you to be able to have well-rounded growth. To become a well-rounded individual you have to be able to develop fully in all […]

April 17, 2021

WW #560 – Properly Constraint Growth Leads To Well-Rounded Growth

Growth refers to consistently growing and an increase in value. Properly constrain growth, on the other hand, is you have to follow a particular course of action. These actions were designed for you to be able to have well-rounded growth. To become a well-rounded individual you have to be able to develop fully in all […]

April 9, 2021

WW #559 – Big Things Come From Small Beginnings

All big things come from small beginnings. Each and every successful business or individual comes from small beginnings. Ariana Grande started when she was 13 and slowly rose to fame and became a big name in the music industry. Becoming big usually starts from a dream, so dream big and aim high. To achieve those […]

April 1, 2021

WW #558 – Your Subconscious Mind Remembers Everything

Our brain has the ability and capacity to hold and remember every bit of information received in our lifetime. Thus, your subconscious mind remembers everything. It is a databank for everything which is not in your conscious mind. The subconscious mind is the system that runs everything in our body and our life. Thus, learning […]

March 26, 2021

WW #557 – All Humans Benefit From Self Management

All humans can benefit from self-reflection and self-management. Self-management is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations. This is how you carry yourself and a fundamental requirement for empowerment. It is very vital to develop these self-management skills to be more successful in your career and in life. Being […]

March 19, 2021

WW #556 – Recognize Traffic Lights of Life to Avoid Disasters

Traffic lights are automatically operated colored lights used for controlling traffic at road junctions and crossroads. These are used to avoid disasters. Recognize the traffic lights of life to avoid disasters. Learn when to slow down, stop and go. Red in traffic lights is stop. When do we use red light in our lives? When […]

March 12, 2021

WW #555 – Use Flexibility to Combat Uncertainty

Life as itself is uncertain, it will throw curveballs at us that we cannot really anticipate Use the flexibility in life to manage the uncertainties of life. If we are able to accept the fact that we cannot eliminate uncertainty in our lives, then we can make it a part of our lifestyle. Then, this […]

March 5, 2021

WW #554 – Overwhelmed With Knowledge Can Slow Progress

Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of something such as facts, skills, or objects. Although knowledge is power, overwhelmed with knowledge can slow progress. There is just too much to learn that we need to start on something even though we do not have the full knowledge of it. We can learn it along […]

February 26, 2021

WW #553 – Your Environment Will Affect Your Output

Your environment will affect your output because it can influence your mood. It impacts your behavior and motivation to act. If we are spending a lot of time in a tidy and organized environment most likely we can be more productive but if we spend in a chaotic unorganized environment our output will also be […]

February 19, 2021

WW #552 – Setting a Goal is an Event. Achieving a Goal is a Process

Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your future, your ideal future, and how you want to live your life. It happens in a sitting while achieving it may take a lifetime. This process helps you choose where you want to go in life. Goal setting is turning your vision into reality. Sometimes […]

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